Rediscover the essential force of nature in Italy’s northernmost residence. Almhaus Pfister in Predoi is the choice of preference for anyone in search of a new dimension for the soul.
The essence of Nature is evident in every detail! The furnishing of the rooms and the anti-allergy measures adopted pave the way to complete regeneration in an alpine pasture and its sunshine, warmth, and tranquility. Light and warmth can also come form the heart, as the Griessmair Family greets you with good cheer and helps you have a creative vacation that goes beyond the ordinary! Come on up to the Almhaus Pfister and venture deep down into your own body and soul, in order to return home filled with fresh positive energy and serenity!
Our offer:

Casere 5C, I-39030 Predoi/Valle Aurina South Tyrol, Tel. +39 0474 654136